Century Studios Ceramic Box with Inlaid Scarabs

Year Released: 2010

Approximately 3"H x 6"W “We made 60 scarab boxes (total) in 5 colors - satin yellow, pumpkin; pumpkin (a curdle mistake that turned out nicely, so they developed it into a glaze they kept using), indigo, and chestnut green. The indigo are the rarest, satin yellow and chestnut are the most common. This was not supposed to be a limited edition item - it was going to be an ongoing exclusive piece, but they had to be discontinued when EFP sold their tile press and discontinued tiles (the lids were made on the press). We rounded the number made to 60 at that time.” And- “The EFP/Century Studios Scarab Boxes were originally intended to be an ongoing joint project, but production ceased when EFP stopped making tiles. The box lids were made in the tile press. We attached the lustre glass scarabs at our studio and marketed the boxes. Only 60 boxes were made (this number includes all colors - we do not have records of how many of each color were produced)”

Year Retired: 2011

Number Of Items Created: 60

Special Collection: Century Studios Limited Edition

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