The Secluded Falls Vase is a work of art that brings to life a tranquil woodland scene. Inspired by our Secluded Falls Tile, this hand-sculpted tableau captures the serene moments right before sunset. Framed by two coastal redwoods, an ancient stony bridge stretches across the secret falls. Glazed in dusky purples and blues, this one-of-a-kind vase is a stunning addition to any room.
The Secluded Falls Vase is available to order through 8 am (CST) on September 24th.
Handmade to order. No two pieces of the same design look exactly alike, that’s part of the magic of handmade ceramics. Because we lean away from technologies like molds, templates, and casts, each piece is wholly unique. Minor variations in size, decoration, color and finish are intrinsic to our pottery. Please expect and embrace the variation inherent in our process.